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Message from the President, Donna Fontaine

Summer 2019

Dear Residents,


Summer is here, and boy, is it hot! Another quarter has come and gone, and we have exciting news to share with you.


The biggest news is that sometime in August, the new street lights will begin to be installed. There will be quite a bit of activity as this project starts. Duke Energy will have their workers with trucks all around. We were told that Hidden Estates will be first. Hidden Estates is the section on both sides of Pin Oak. The entire project is anticipated to take 8-10 weeks. Then we will have all new lights!


For those who noticed, we had the 40,000-foot wall pressure cleaned. This is the wall that abuts Hidden Springs/Estates, which goes from the Pin Oak entrance all the way down towards Conroy. Uncle Jerry's Pressure Washing was hired to do the task, and they did a terrific job. Please see the before and after photos below.  

dp wall.JPG
uncle jerry's business card jpeg.jpg

We also have a couple of shout-outs. One is to Tara and Russell Savage for organizing a children's Easter Egg Hunt. Tara, along with some of the other moms, planned, shopped and organized everything. The children and parents had a great time. Thank you to all who helped make this a success. The neighborhood seems to have a lot of young children again. Hopefully we can start having more kid-friendly events. If anyone ever wants to plan an event, the Board is always happy to help. 


Also, a big thank you to Constantine and Melinda Wehbi for opening their home for our quarterly Happy Hour, which was another big success. It's always so fun to meet new neighbors and reconnect with old ones, too. Please try to come to our next Happy Hour. We always have such a great time. And if you think you might want to host, just reach out. Our Board Member Karen Butler is in charge of the Happy Hours.


We also wanted to thank Woof Gang Bakery, next to Fresh Market, for always donating great doggie items for our welcome baskets. Thank you, Kay, the owner, for always helping out.


Looking forward, we are scheduled to have our HOA General Meeting on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The venue should be fun. Publix Aprons Cooking School at The Marketplace at Dr. Phillips will host us. We will have three presenters at this meeting, not including the Board.


Terri Thill from Orange County Water Conservation will speak. As we all know, it takes a lot of water to keep our grass green and flowers/shrubs alive. Terri will give us a lot of water conservation tips for inside and outside the home. She is also going to be bringing some freebies: rain gauges, shower timers and some raffle giveaways.  


Adam Greschler from Woodlawn will be speaking as well. Woodlawn is our local funeral home and memorial park. Adam will discuss ways Woodlawn can help plan for some of life's events. Adam and Woodlawn will be hosting the edible goodies at our HOA meeting.  


Chef Emily, who is hosting us at Aprons, will give a short run-down on what Aprons is and the fun activities they offer.


Meanwhile, it is summer. It's hot. Hydrate well. Stay safe. Be careful with young children around pools. But most of all, enjoy your summer.  

And, if you are holding any garage sales, please remember to remove your signage after the garage sale is over. We want to keep our entrances maintained and looking beautiful for all of our neighbors. Your assistance is appreciated.  


Hope to see you around the neighborhood.



Donna Fontaine

© 2024 Hidden Springs/Estates 

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