Hidden Springs & Hidden Estates Neighborhood
Message from the President, Donna Fontaine
Fall 2022
Hi, Neighbors,
Happy Hot and Humid September! As most of you know, this is the height of Hurricane Season. Make sure you're prepared! Even if we don't have a hurricane, we have many storms where electricity can go out (for hours or days). Make sure you have candles, flashlights, canned food and water -- just in case.
The HOA has taken measures to prepare too. In July, we had the Palm Trees in the Pine Springs median and the Pin Oak median trimmed. For the 10 trees, the cost was $750. Of course our normal $625 a month to maintain our landscaping at the three entrances does not include Palm Tree trimming.
We have many new families that have moved into Hidden Springs/Estates in the past few months. Many are not familiar with Florida weather. If you see a new neighbor whose fence is falling or whose Laurel Oak trees are thick, maybe mention to them it's a good idea to repair fencing or thin out the trees. These Laurel Oaks have very shallow root systems. During strong windstorms and hurricanes, they topple over fairly easily. It's happened many, many times in the 35 years I've lived here, and many experienced this recently when that strong storm came through a few weeks ago. It's not a pretty picture, especially when they fall on your home or on your cars. So be sure to get them thinned out. If you have a Laurel Oak on the easement that is dying, you can call 311 and tell the County. They will come out and take down that dead or dying tree.
Lastly, don't forget about septic tanks. You'd be surprised how many new homeowners don't know we are still on septic tanks. With all the additional rain, it's particularly important to have them cleaned out and maintained. Our septic tanks are almost 40 years old. If you think the $300 every two years or so to have them drained out is expensive, it's a lot cheaper to do that than have to tear up your yards, sprinkler systems and put in a new drain field and septic. That's about $7,000. The old saying, "Penny-wise, Pound-foolish." So be sure to think about the septics.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a non-eventful rest of hurricane season. As always, myself and the board will answer and help with any issues that we can.
If you have a new neighbor and they have not updated the HOA with their information, please encourage them to send us a message and give us their email address so that they can begin receiving the newsletters.
Donna Fontaine
HOA President