Hidden Springs & Hidden Estates Neighborhood
Message from the President, Donna Fontaine
Spring 2022

Dear Residents,
Spring is in the air – time to refresh and renew! You can even pick up a free tree or two at an upcoming Adopt-A-Tree event! Click here for dates, locations and tree options.Before I get into the things that are upcoming, I first and foremost want to thank all of you for your patience and support with, what I call, the Valentine's Fiasco. As most of you are aware, we had some neighbors decide to set up a tent, like an open storefront, at our Pine Springs entrance. This was not sanctioned at all by the HOA. After many calls and conversations, ultimately the situation was handled by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. I want to thank our communications director for sending out emails to keep all of you abreast. It's so important that we have your emails for communicating neighborhood alerts and information when things come up, and we want to keep you informed.
Moving to a happier subject: In the next few weeks, the Pin Oak Hidden Estates entrance will begin renovations of the signage, landscaping and lighting, so you'll see some construction going on. We've been talking about the Pin Oak entrance for years, and finally it’s going to happen. Some of the existing signage tiles have cracked and broken, so we are going to completely replace the tiles, and we want to improve the landscaping and lighting at the entrance as well. We could not do this without those who financially support Hidden Springs/Estates. Replacing entrance signage is quite costly, which is why we’ve had to put this project off for years until now.
The small amount of $110 a year is precious to our neighborhood. I really don't even want to think about what this neighborhood would look like if we didn't have those contributions. If you don't contribute, please seriously think about doing so. If you think about getting a bang for your buck, you definitely get it with the $110 a year contribution. Think of it this way: For $9.16 a month, you get to live in a highly desirable and safe neighborhood. Not a bad deal.
Other news: We replaced the dead Robellini at the south side Pine Springs entrance, and sometime in March, we will re-sod a section of the Pine Springs median that has become overrun with weeds. We have hired Heron Landscaping to handle the fertilization and weed control at our entrances. The cost is $195 every two months for lawn and shrub care at our three entrances.
In addition, we replaced two photocell light sensors and the flood light at the Pine Springs north side entrance. The sensors save energy by automatically turning the lights on when it gets dark and turning off when it gets light.
Upcoming events include an Easter Egg hunt on April 16 and another Earth Day Community Cleanup event on April 23. Our wonderful social director is helping organize those two events, so mark your calendars and be on the lookout for more information in this newsletter and in the upcoming weeks.
Again, thank you all for everything you do to keep Hidden Springs/Estates a wonderful place to live.
Donna Fontaine
HOA President